What You Need to Know About Commercial Litigation Law by Jeremy Schulman

Jeremy Schulman
3 min readDec 20, 2022


Commercial litigation law is a complex and ever-changing field. If you are involved in a commercial dispute, it is important to understand the basics of commercial litigation law so that you can make informed decisions about how to proceed. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important concepts related to commercial litigation law. We will also provide tips from Jeremy Schulman for finding qualified legal representation if you need help navigating this complex area of law.

Here Are The Key Components Of Commercial Litigation Law:

1. Jurisdiction: This refers to which court or set of laws will be used to resolve your dispute. The jurisdiction must be determined before any action can be taken and is often based on the geographic area where the dispute occurred, as well as other factors.

2. Burden of Proof: In civil cases, this refers to which party has to prove their case in order to prevail. Typically, the burden of proof lies with the plaintiff (the person bringing the lawsuit), who must present evidence and convince a judge or jury that they should win their case.

3. Discovery Process: This term refers to both parties’ ability to gather information from each other in order to prepare their arguments. This can involve the exchange of documents or witnesses, and it is an important step in any case as it helps both sides accurately present their case.

4. Statute of Limitations: In order for someone to file a lawsuit, there are certain time constraints (known as statutes of limitations) that must be followed. If a person does not file a suit within the allotted time period, they may lose the right to do so.

5. Settlement Negotiations: Both parties may choose to settle out of court instead of pursuing litigation. During settlement negotiations, each side will try to negotiate terms such as payment amounts and other considerations in order to resolve their dispute without going through a full trial process.

6. Appeal: If a party is not satisfied with the outcome of their case, they may be able to file an appeal in order to have their case reconsidered by a higher court. Also, the appealing party must prove that there was an error or injustice in the lower court’s ruling before their appeal can be successful.

7. Trial: If the dispute cannot be settled out of court, it may proceed to trial. During a trial, both sides will present their evidence and arguments in front of a judge or jury, who will then make a decision on the case. And, depending on the outcome, either party may then be able to appeal.

If you are involved in a commercial dispute, it is important to understand the basics of commercial litigation law before proceeding. It can also be beneficial to find qualified legal representation if you need help navigating this complex field. An experienced lawyer will be able to provide guidance and advice throughout your case and they can also represent your interests in court if necessary.

By understanding the fundamentals of commercial litigation law, you will be better prepared for any dispute that arises. And, with the right legal team on your side, you can confidently pursue a favorable resolution for yourself or your business.



Jeremy Schulman

Bethesda MD. Commercial Litigation Attorney